Web-Ed Introduces Version 3 of their Real Estate Data Consolidation Software:
DMS: (January 2022) Web-Ed Systems (WES) has published the 3rd version of their real estate data consolidation system. The new system streamlines the various applications used to consolidate various feeds into one (de-duplicated) feed.
Web-Ed’s client, CREMS (Consolidated Real Estate Strategies), delivers the data feed to First American Title (FirstAm) for use in their proprietary CRM. The strategic advantage for FirstAm is that their sales associates can monitor all the activity of their client Real Estate Agents.
The Version 3 system integrates several new technologies, such as Azure’s DataBrinks process orchestration employing Azure’s auto-scaling servers. Web-Ed’s managing partner, Burt Yale, describes the operational advantages as, “This upgrade gives the development team reliable CI/CD with multi-user access. We have integrated separate development, staging, and production environments to facilitate faster iteration.”
For more technical information contact Web-Ed systems.